April 08, 2011

If you put a banana in the oven it will turn yellow!?!

Today I was at work and my dad asked me if I wanted a banana. So I said yes of course ( I love bananas and anything to do with bananas) he said it was a bit green, but I like green bananas. So its all good. Then he showed it to me... it was REALLY green. So he told me to put it in the oven and it would turn yellow! I was not quite sure about this idea as I thought it might start on fire or burn or something. The ovens were off though so I thought I would try this brilliant idea of his...

5 Minutes later I checked on my banana... It was still hard and green so I flipped it over and shut the oven again and went back to work.

About 30 minutes later I remembered that my banana was in the oven! I suppose I should have set the timer... we do have quite a few of them in the bakery. But with my great memory I thought I would remember that there was a banana in the oven. I guess my memory is not as great as I thought it was!

So I opened up the oven and guess what?!? my banana was completely black! I was going to throw it out but I thought I might as well put it in the fridge to let it cool and see if it tasted okay once it was colder. Then I had the brillant idea to open it up and put chocolate chips in it!

The banana was so hot that it melted all the chocolate chips, so I topped it off with cream cheese icing and tried it.

It was REALLY good. I think I might do this again... it was a great experiment and almost like the ones that you put in the campfire when you are camping. Except now you can do it in your very own home and still get the same great tasting banana.

It was a good day!

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