April 09, 2011

Apple Sauce

   Last week I decided to make some apple sauce. So I cut up some apples and put them in the microwave for about 12 minutes until they were soft. Then I mashed them up with a potato masher and added some cinnamon. It was really good and tasted like fresh apples. I also added some blueberries to half of the apple sauce so that I would have two flavours. That one was really good as well.

   Some times I just like to make things instead of buying them, then you know what is in it and it always tastes way better. Yeah is might take you a couple minutes but in the end it it totally worth it. Anyone can make apple sauce. So why not try, even if you have some apples that are a bit older and are not crisp and fresh. Don't throw them out! Either dry them or make some fresh apple sauce. It is always a nice thing to have for breakfast. It tastes even better if you heat it up and you can always add more cinnamon or some people like cream.




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