About Me

Once I was in high school there was always the question “What are you going to do once you graduate?” I always got very tired of that question as I was never really sure of what I wanted to do with my life. It is really hard to pick just one thing to do as there are so many options. I have always loved making things with my hands and have always enjoyed making food. I love good food, there is nothing better. So for a very long time I thought of becoming a Chef! Then I talked to some chefs that I knew and they didn’t always say the best things about being a chef. Yes they loved theirs jobs. But it was a very demanding and not always a positive environment to work in. And also VERY stressful. I am okay with stress but I would like to enjoy the job i’m in and not be stressed all the time. And then the day came when I realized I could become a baker! That was a great day... And now I am in the ITA apprenticeship program to become a Red-Seal Baker! I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life and learn a lot more about baking. This is a blog of all my adventures baking and experimenting, and about the many new things I am going to learn as a Red-Seal Baker! I have finished my first year of my baking apprenticeship and am excited for the second. I wanted to start this blog as I am a baker and am always making and trying new recipes. I wanted a place where I could look back on all the things that I have made and on the many things that I have also experimented with. As you probably know, not everything works out when you bake :) So here are some of the many things that I have been making. Included are the recipes if you would like to try some of the many things that are really tasty and also pretty! I will never make something that doesn't taste good, but the garnish adds to it!

As always, 

Tessa  a.k.a "Bitsy Bakerette" 

All photographs taken by me unless otherwise posted. 
Blog header photos taken by Jocelyn Isaak Photography

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