Tips and Tricks

~ If you need to get your eggs to room temperature, you just need to submerge them in warm water in a heat retaining bowl. Like a metal one. Or crack them into a metal bowl and whisk them over a Bain marie (hot water bath) until they are room temperature. It will go very quick. Check with your pinkie! it is your most sensitive finger. 

~ Need room temperature butter quick! and you don't want to use a microwave because the heat is so uneven. Grate it on your cheese grater and spread on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. It will be room temperature in about 5 to 10 minutes. 

~ If you are baking something in the oven and it is getting a little dark on the bottom, but the top is still quite light. Put a cookie sheet underneath of it. Then it takes longer for the heat to get to the bottom of what ever it is you are baking. 

~ I tip if you LOVE cookbooks and can never have to many. Go to your favorite book store and look for a long time... :) write down all the books you want and need. As some are a necessity. Then order them from amazon! you get the same books for a way better deal! My Chef friend told me about this, as I always paid full price for them. But you don't have to anymore. 

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