April 12, 2012

My Henry Is growing up!

On the 24th of February I got a kitten! I named him Henry and he is a little over 3 months old now, and he is getting bigger every day. It seems as if he didn't grow the first few weeks I got him and now he is just so big. It makes me sad to see him getting bigger. I love kittens, they are just so cute and little. 

Henry is a very prefect cat, his face, ears, legs and tail are all grey and he has white paws and a cream colored body. 

He is a very pretty boy, with his bright blue eyes. 

Henry is a very playful kitten and he really likes legs... and I don't just mean human ones. He loves wooden chair legs, other animals legs, human ones. He will attack almost any leg he sees. 

But he is very smart, he never uses his claws unless you are wearing pants. He knows that it is not nice to claw someones bare legs. 

 He loves the sunshine and he enjoys most of his afternoons outside playing with the bugs that like to fly around my house. He loves rolling around in the grass and chasing his tail when the other  kitties don't want to play... Which is always.

But he doesn't really care what they think, he still attacks them anyways. He usually loses, but he always persists. He doesn't like losing a fight. Especially to a girl (all our cats are girls :))

 Henry also loves to come inside, he is not aloud on the furniture so he prefers the wooden chairs around our dinning room table. He likes to sit on something high and those are the only things he can get up on besides the table which he occasionally tries to climb on. He is soon put back on the floor and told that he is bad. Who wants a cat on their table?!? Not me.

Henry often sleeps... he is not usually too cuddly so when he is I make sure to cherish it. 

 He is just too cute! I love my Henry lots and lots. 


Meagan said...

This is the cutest post I've ever seen! Give Henry a big hug for me :)

Tessa Isaak said...

I will definitely do that for you :)