April 10, 2012

Cinnamon Buns

I have been making cinnamon buns at work for over a year now. All of the bakers don't like making the cinnamon buns because they are the most time consuming product we have to make in the mornings. I guess they just don't like doing the same thing for about half an hour. The other bakers always call my cinnamon buns 'perfect' because I take the time to roll the dough out properly and in a square ;) where as they just try to rush and make them as fast as possible. Then they always look funny.

So... everyday that I work I always make the cinnamon buns. I used to really like it, then I hated making them, and now I like making them again. I always go through sprits of liking and disliking certain things. I don't know why?!? I guess I just change my mind-setting.

Since I make the cinnamon buns everyday I never really make them at home, even thought I love homemade cinnamon buns. Homemade baking is always better, even though our bakery has AMAZING baking. It is still not quite as good, as the good old home baking.

This recipe is from my Great Aunt Mabel. She is 90 and still lives on her own on a farm in Saskatchewan.  I always want to be like her when I get older. She is an amazing baker and I always loved going to her house, she always had her fresh cinnamon buns for us. We always got to eat them for breakfast too.

~you can also add nuts if you like, I added pecans~ 

Here is her recipe:

You can also use it for sweet white dough buns.

Yield: 48 small cinnamon buns or 24 large ones.

1 1/2 c. milk
1/2 c. sugar
1 c. warm water
1/3 c. oil
3 eggs
1 c. warm water
3 T. yeast
8 c. flour (approx.)
2 t. salt

Filling: Use more filling if you want gooeyer cinnamon buns

2 c. brown sugar
1 c. almost melted butter
4 t. cinnamon

Mix the yeast and 1 c. of the warm water together and let sit about 5 minutes. Until it has grown and frothy. While you are waiting for that, mix the milk, sugar, water, oil and eggs together in a medium bowl.

Add the yeast to the milk mixture and mix together, then add 5 cups of flour with the salt. Keep adding flour until the dough is a good consistency (not to sticky but still a little bit). Knead until the gluten is developed and it passes the window test.

Let rest for about 45 minutes. Punch down and let rest another 10 minutes. Divide the dough in half if you are making the small cinnamon buns. If not use all the dough at once.

 Roll the dough out in a rectangle. Make sure it starts out square. Otherwise it will become a oval. Roll till about a 1/4 inch thick.

Spread all or half of the filling on (depending on size of dough). Leave about 2 inches on the bottom empty.

Roll up the dough until you reach the empty dough.

Spread some water on the dough and seal it up into a roll.

Cut the dough into about 1 inch sections. Or about 24 in each portion of dough.

Place in greased 9x13 inch pans. Sprinkle some brown sugar on top. Let rise in a warm dark place until all sides are touching. Bake at 350*F until golden brown. About 15- 20 minutes.

These smell so good when they are baking... I could just eat all of them.


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