April 10, 2012

Banana Muffins

One of the ingredients that I liked best about this recipe was the coconut. I have never added coconut to banana muffins before and I thought it would be a good idea. Because coconut makes almost everything better. Especially if it is toasted! These muffins are a good way to use up ripe bananas, or over ripe ones as well. We all know that bananas don't keep well for a long time. Especially since I like mine green. 

Hope you enjoy this recipe. Please feel free to comment if you have tired it or any changes that you may suggest. I am always open to suggestions :) Thanks

Yield: 2 1/2 dozen muffins

4 c. bananas, pureed 
3 3/4 c. flour
2 c. sugar
1 T. baking powder
1 t. salt
1 t. baking soda
1 t. cinnamon
6 eggs
1 1/2 c. melted butter, cooled
1 1/2 c. sour cream
1 T. vanilla
3/4 c. coarsely chopped pecans
1 1/2 c. quick cooking oatmeal
1 c. coconut, shredded sweetened 

Pre-heat the oven to 350*F

Puree the bananas in a food processor or blender until almost smooth. Set aside.

Mix the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, soda, oatmeal, pecans, coconut and cinnamon together in a medium bowl. Set aside.

Whisk the eggs, melted butter, sour cream and vanilla together in a larger bowl. Then alternate with the flour mixture and the bananas. Starting and ending with the flour. Make sure you do not over mix the batter or you will get tough muffins with tunnels in them.

These muffins are very versatile and you can add many different things to them. Some examples of what I added are, chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, a half a teaspoon Nutella and cranberries. They were all delicious. You can add any add-in that you would like, most things work with this recipe.

Bake for about 18-22 minutes or until lightly browned. These muffins are quite moist so they stay fairly well. They also freeze great as well.


~Chocolate Chip~


1 comment:

Meagan said...

Looks so good!!! MMMM