March 18, 2012

Opportunities to LOVE

Everyday we are faced with many opportunities. Choices to make. We usually pass them by or take them for granted. I often do too, I see different opportunities as things that take up my time, or I ask how much time will I have or how much time will this certain opportunity take me. I don't always see them as good things, or as opportunities to learn something new. To grow in different aspects of my life. I never really relax and let time go by with out me thinking, about the different things I can be doing or what I should be doing. I always seem to time my days, and I don't often have time to relax and read or to paint, or go out with a relaxing evening with a friend. It seems as if my life is always busy, and then come the weekends, when I do have time. I want to do things, I want to go places, see people. Why do I never just relax with a warm cup of tea and not worry about what I am going to miss if I stay home?

I am not always like that, and I do use opportunities that I see often. But why are people these days always stressed out about time and in a hurry everywhere they go? I often wonder why people are in such a big hurry for, or what their daily lives involve? Sometimes I wish that people could just calm down and notice the little things around them, like the flowers blooming, the trees turning green the baby lambs being born. The small children who stare when they see something new or odd to them. A babies laughter, or smile. A cold rainy day when you can cuddle up on the couch with hot chocolate and marshmallows!

I want to see people living as if every moment of everyday is a blessing! I want to be able to live like that. To see with eyes open, the love and hurt people are feeling and to act accordingly. Life isn't just about you! It is about everyone around you, how you can help them, love them and bless them daily.

LOVE is 

It does not envy
It does not boast
Not proud 
Or rude
It does not insist in its own way
Not irritable or resentful

Love bares all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. 

True LOVE never fails.  

It is something to think about, eh? Are we loving towards the people around us? There are so many opportunities for us to love people, everyday, in every aspect of our lives. It is not always easy. But think of how much better this world would be if everyone loved with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ?

1 Corinthians 13 ~ LOVE

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are very wise and perceptive for one so young, my dear. I agree!

Love you,

Mommy xo