September 29, 2011

Scheduled Baking Days!

   One of my favourite things to do it bake, as you have probably already noticed. I also have some friends who love to bake and cook as well. Starting last week I went to hang out with my one close friends and we decided to bake. She didn't really think that I would want to as I do it everyday at work but I assured her that I never get tired of baking :) So now ever since then we bake every Thursday. Starting at 1:30 pm and baking till 4pm, we have a great time of talking, laughing, trying new recipes and experimenting with many recipes as well. It is a great to be able to set aside time just for baking. You learn so much about a person through the way that they bake, you can tell if they are a perfectionist or if they care, but know the recipe won't change to much if you add just a few more chocolate chips! I love to watch other people bake as it tells a lot about them.

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