September 22, 2011

Baking Through a Cook Book...

    It has been a long time since I have updated my blog as I moved out to Hope, BC for 3 months to work at a summer camp. I was basically the head baker, I got to make whatever desserts that I wanted and experiment quite a bit. I made many things that I have never made before and it was a lot of fun and a great experience. It was nice to be able to have my own space and work with lots of really great people. The whole time I was at camp it was an amazing experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I am so glad that I went and I would love to go back it a couple of years when I am actually a Red Seal Baker and really use my skills to make some amazing things. It might happen one day... I guess I will see where my life is headed. I am so excited for school and I can't wait to learn everything! It is going to be phenomenal, I absolutely love learning new things and especially when it comes to baking! I have so many plans for my future it is crazy I don't know how I am going to do everything. Oh well, I guess I will only do the best and most important things. :)

   Well on to my topic for this post! I have decided that I am going to bake everything in one cookbook! I have always wanted to do this and I have always wanted to try lots of new recipes. So I am not sure what book to do though. I really like this one called bon appetit desserts. It is really big and I think it would take a couple years to complete. But that is okay I have a lot of time. I really think that I will do that one. I just got it and am totally and completely in love with it. I could just have a million cook books and never get tired of them, it is something that I love. Just sitting and reading through them and looking at the pictures and such. It is fantastic. As you can see by this photo it is kinda big.... well here is the start of a great adventure! Baking through the whole book of bon appetit desserts! I hope you will enjoy all the delicious things that I will be making. Well, here we go... The cook book of all things sweet and wonderful!

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