November 06, 2011

Prepping Pictures from YOSHIcatering

I only got to take a few pictures as I was prepping for YOSHIcatering. Here are some of the ones that I took, there are not many but I thought that some of them looked cool and I wanted to share them with you. So enjoy them :)

ALL of my lemons for my lemon curd... turned out to be about 35 of them in total. This is only part the the pile that I did have. My arm definitely got a work out that night from juicing them all.

All of my ingredients in one BIG pot for my lemon curd :)

My tart shells that I baked blind in the oven, I thought that they looked kinda cool just sitting on my stove waiting to go in the oven. I put dry rice in them as I didn't have any dried beans. 

Strawberry Meringues! 

Lemon zest that was chopped finely for my lemon whipped cream. 

The final product! I think it looks very pretty... don't you?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

They look amazing (from what is shown)! So proud of you, Tessa.