June 09, 2012

fresh strawberry ice cream

This is the second ice cream recipe that I have made, and I have to say that I definitely like the custard type of ice cream better. It is creamier and smoother. I think I will stick to the custard type recipes. Even though this recipe was good, it was not quite as good as the first one I tried.  

I really like that there was a lot of fresh strawberries in this ice cream and it was still creamy and delicious.  I just like the really creamier ones :) Here is the recipe if you would like to try it. 

2 pounds fresh strawberries, blended
3 pounds fresh strawberries, diced with 1/2 c. sugar added to coat
12 c. half and half cream or 3 quarts
3 1/2 c. sugar
1 t. salt
4 t. vanilla

Dissolve sugar in 2 c. cream. Then add the rest of the cream, whisk well together. Add salt and vanilla. Chill in fridge for about 30 minutes.

Blend the 2 pounds of strawberries in a blender with a little bit of the ice cream mixture added. Blend until   almost smooth. Set aside.

Dice the rest of the strawberries in small pieces. Coat with sugar. Set aside.

Make ice cream as directed on ice cream machine. Once finished fold in both puree and diced strawberries. Freeze or enjoy right away.


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