May 17, 2012

Vanilla Ice cream

This is a custard based vanilla ice cream recipe. I have yet to try a non custard base ice cream recipe, so I am not sure what the difference is yet. I hear that the custard base recipe is creamier and smoother. I will try one and let you know the difference.

The other day I was talking with my Mother about how I want to get an ice cream machine. I have always wanted to make my own homemade ice cream, but I have never had a machine to do so.

She then informed me that we have had an ice cream maker sitting in out basement for the past 9 years! I couldn't believe it when she told me that. How could you not tell you daughter who is becoming a red seal baker that we have an ice cream maker? I am not sure how she kept it a secret for that long. So as soon as I was at home I got my mom to find it so that I could make some ice cream.

She brought it up to me and it was just so cute. It is from the 1970's! it is very old. It works great thought and it was also brand new! It is a little wooden bucket and it has a handle and everything. It is electric, so I am very grateful about that. I don't think I could crank a handle for about 30 minutes straight. My arms would be so done after that, if I had to do that. But thankfully I do not :)

So that is my story about "my" ice cream maker :)

Here is the first recipe I tried. It turned out very good and my whole family loved it. It was creamy and delicious. I am definitely making all our ice cream from now on! It is very fun and not that hard either.

2 1/4 c. sugar
6 T. flour
1/2 t. salt
5 c. milk, scalded
6 eggs
4 c. heavy cream
4 t. vanilla extract
1 vanilla bean (or use 4 vanilla beans and no extract, I only had one so I just added one)

* for extra rich ice cream omit the milk and add all cream

Combine sugar, flour and salt together in a saucepan. Slowly stir in the hot milk. I used a whisk. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until mixture has thicken. About 10 minutes. Mix a small about of hot mixture into the beaten eggs, keep adding a little bit of the hot milk mixture at a time until the eggs are about room temperature. Then slowly add the egg mixture to the milk mixture. Whisk for another minute. Chill in refrigerator. Once mixture is about room temperature add the cream and vanilla (if using). If using vanilla beans, spilt lengthwise and scrape out the seeds with the back of a knife. Add to the milk while scalding. Then follow the recipe the same as you would with the vanilla.

Then cool again until cold. Add to ice cream machine and make some ice cream!


Rhubarb Streusel muffins

It is rhubarb season again and my parents are overrun with it! they have about 80 plants that are all very full of rhubarb. So it gave me a good reason to bake something with rhubarb in it. One of my favorite things (besides pie) with rhubarb in it. Is muffins. They are ever so good. With the tart rhubarb and the streusel on top. Mmmm.... how could I resist making them.

This is one of my favorite muffin recipes to add rhubarb too. You can also add other berries as well and omit the rhubarb if you do not have any. If you are doing this add only 1 1/2 cups of fruit instead of 2.

Yield: 1 1/2 dozen


1/4 c. butter, melted
1/2 c. all-purpose flour
2 T. sugar


2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
3/4 c. sugar
1/2 c. golden sugar, lightly packed
1 egg
1 c. buttermilk
1/2 c. butter, melted and cooled
1 t. vanilla
2 c. chopped rhubarb

Preheat oven to 375* F

In a small bowl mix together the melted butter, flour and sugar for the streusel, set aside.

Melt the butter for the muffins in a microwave safe bowl and set aside to cool. In a medium to large bowl combine the flour, baking powder, soda, salt and sugar. Mix well.

In a separate smaller bowl, whisk the egg, buttermilk, vanilla and cooled butter together. Add to the dry ingredients and mix until almost incorporated. Fold in the rhubarb. Make sure to not over mix the batter.

Portion into muffin tins and bake for about 18-22 minutes. Or until golden brown. Cool on a cooling rack and store in an air tight container for up to 3 days. They also freeze well.


Every once in a while I have some helpers that like to join me in the kitchen while I bake. They don't do to much, usually just watch. But I had to take a photo of them as they are SO cute. :)

May 12, 2012

Raspberry Nutella Muffins

I was looking in my pantry the other day and I realized that I had a lot of Nutella! That is not a problem or anything... :) But I thought it would be a good idea to make something with it since it is very delicious. So I made Raspberry Nutella Muffins.

Enough said?!?

I think so, these were one of the best muffins I have ever had. I don't know why I don't put raspberries in everything. They are so juicy and have so much flavor. They definitely add to these muffins. The combination is fantastic. I would suggest these muffins to everyone.

The batter is stiff so make sure to not work it too much when your mixing.

The muffins are quite moist and very flavorful. Enjoy!

Yield: 1 dozen muffins

3 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 T baking powder
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. canola oil
2 large eggs
3/4 c. buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
As many raspberries as you would like probably about 1 c.
1/2 c. nutella
organic cane sugar, for sprinkling on top of muffins

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a muffin tin with paper liners or grease well. Set aside.
2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar.
3. In a small bowl, combine canola oil, egg, buttermilk, and vanilla together. Use a fork or whisk and mix until well combined.
5. Incorporate the wet ingredients into flour mixture. Add slowly and gently stir, you don’t want to over mix. The batter will be thick. 
6. Fill each muffin cup half way with batter. Next, add as many raspberries as you would like, I added about 3 per muffin. Then add a small spoonful of Nutella to each muffin cup. Cover the Nutella filling with the remaining batter. Sprinkle each muffin with the organic cane sugar.
7. Bake muffins for 17-20 minutes, or until muffins are golden brown and a toothpick comes out clean. Remove the muffins from the pan and let cool on a cooling rack.


~ adapted from Brown Eyed Baker 

Bananas and Avocados

It is almost summer and smoothies are one of my favorite ways to cool off in the warm summer heat. Today I made the most fantastic smoothie... Bananas and Avocados! Think its a strange combo? Well it is a very delicious one.

A while ago I was at my friends house and he made me one kind of similar. I put mine own little spin on this one. It is thick and creamy and all around delicious.

Makes 2 smaller smoothies

2 frozen bananas
1 ripe avocado (pitted and peeled)
1 c. vanilla yogurt
1/2 c. plain greek yogurt
pinch of salt

Throw it all in a blender and blend it up until smooth. Then eat it all up while your sitting outside enjoying the sun!
