February 08, 2011

Strawberry Shortcakes ~ Fresh Strawberries ~ Vanilla Whipped Cream

Yesterday I spent the day with my brother and we decided to make something fancy! His new friend that is a girl, came over and we made her these. She was very impressed and now I think I might get some Catering Jobs for my baking. Her dad is a vet and has many staff banquets and meetings. So I might just get some dessert gigs! I am very excited about this as it is so much fun and pays well!

For the Shortcakes:

Makes Twenty-Four 1 1/2 inch squares

2 1/3 Cups All-Purpose Flour
4 Teaspoons Baking Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/2 Teaspoon Coarse Salt
6 Tablespoons Vegetable Shortening, cut into pieces and chilled
2/3 Cup Milk
1 Large Egg and 1 Large Egg Yolk, Beaten

It told me to use a Food Processor but I did not have one at my brothers house so I just use a whisk to whisk the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together. Then I used a pastry blender to cut the shortening into the dry mixture. I did this until it resembled fine crumbs. Do not use your hands to do this. Whisk the milk, and beaten egg together and add to the dry mixture, use the pastry blender to mix and then use a wooden spoon. Do this until the dough comes together evenly. The dou
gh will be crumbly. Then wrap in plastic
wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour or up to eight.


Set the over rack to the top position and heat to 450* or 425* if convection. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
Lightly flour a work surface and roll
the dough out into a square about an 1/2 inch thick. Cut into 24 1 1/2 inch squares and place on baking sheet. Brush the tops with 2 tablespoons of melted butter and sprinkle with pink salt.... ( I used corse salt, just make sure you don't put a lot on and crush it up). Bake until risen and lightly browned, 4-5 minutes, rotation the pan half way through baking.
Serve the shortcakes warm, with the fresh strawberries and vanilla whipped cream, drizzle some strawberry juice liquid on the plate.

Vanilla Whipped Cream:

This whipped cream is probably the best whipped cream that you will ever taste. It is unfortunately the most expensive thing to make it costs about $12 all together for just one recipe.

1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
1/2 Cup Creme Fraiche (Cream Fresh, I just used devonshire cream)
1/2 Icing Sugar
1 Vanilla Bean, Split and Scraped

Chill or freeze a bowl that you are going to mix the cream in. Combine the cream, creme fraiche, sugar and vanilla seeds (rinse, dry and save the pod for another use) in the shilled bowl. Use the whisk to whip the cream to stiff peaks. You can make the cream in advance and refrigerate it for several hours. Whisk again before serving.

Strawberry Juice:

Combine 2 cups sugar and 2 cups water into a small sauce pan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, cooking until the sugar is dissolved. Transfer to a jar and let cool. Boil some of the strawberries into about 1/2 cup of this simple sugar. Boil until the strawberries are soft and have gave some strawberry flavour into the syrup. Strain the syrup so there are not pieces of strawberries.

Then the fun part! Getting to decorate the plates... use your imagination and just have fun!


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