September 09, 2012

Off to Germany

Only 6 more days of work and then I am off to Germany!

It has been a long time coming... My sister and I have been planning on going to Europe for the past 8 months now, and the time has finally come. We are very excited to be going on a one month sisters trip to Germany, Paris, Switzerland and Amsterdam.

For the past 12 months my sister has been going to UFV to become an LPN. It has been a long 12 months and now we finally get to spend some time together. Becoming a nurse is 12 months is like going into a cave and not coming out for a year. There is no time to hang out with friends or relax, hardly and time to even get out and go for a nice walk without thinking of what homework you have to do or stressing about failing a test. (even though my sister has a very high GPA she was always worried every test and midterm that she might fail).

So she is very ready for some time off to relax. What better way is there to relax then going to Europe with your sister?!? It has come up so fast, but we are ready. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful sister. We love to spend our time together talking and laughing and just being ourselves. My family is very close and we love our family nights and the time we get to spend together in our very different schedules. I have the most AMAZING family ever. Our favorite things to do is spend our time together. It doesn't matter what we do.

When ever someone is missing from our family dinners there is always a hole, and it is not the same when the whole family is not together.

These next few days before we leave I am trying to spend lots of time with ym family and friends before I am off for a month. There are always so many things to do and to remember when you are going on a trip. It is so very exciting! I do have peace of mind knowing that I will be able to get anything I need there. Which is a very nice thought :) Well I am off. So I will be back in about a month or so. I will try and post a few things while I am gone. Maybe just an update of what I am doing or the sights we are seeing.

See you all soon!